The first course implementation in Haaga-Helia’s Dihub Study Path begun on June 1st. The topic was Cloud Foundations and it was delivered jointly with the AWS Academy using blended learning.

The first implementation of the Cloud Foundations course delivered jointly with the AWS Academy using blended learning was a real success with 81 applicants subscribing to the course within one hour of its announcement. The Cloud Foundations course belongs to the DIHUB Study Path at Haaga-Helia, a learning module developed in the DIHUB project. The module focuses on cloud technologies and company cooperation, consisting of three parts:


1) a series of three introductory courses on cloud technologies and services,

2) a project course on either Cloud Computing or Cloud-Driven AI Services and

3) an internship in a company working on cloud technologies or services related tasks.


The first impressions from the Cloud Foundations course were enthusiastic. It was very popular among both Haaga-Helia and Open University students. In addition, some students and three teachers from the Helsinki Business College, a vocational secondary school, participated in the course. This was made possible by the DIHUB project.


We did not anticipate the great success of the Cloud Foundations course because it ran during the summer holidays and consisted mainly of self-studies. However, the topic is timely and there is a lot of demand for a workforce skilled in cloud technologies.  Due to the restrictions imposed by the AWS Academy cloud-based eLaboratory, we had to reduce the number of students from 81 to 38 students. However, the selected students did stick around during the entire summer and are now in the final stages of the course.


After completing the course the students and teachers are eligible to take the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification on any certification center around the globe. The could Foundations course was not only the first course implementation in Haaga-Helia’s DIHUB Study Path but also the first course delivered jointly with the AWS Academy – even though Haaga-Helia has been a member of the AWS Academy since summer 2019. The DIHUB project has enabled Haaga-Helia to develop its study offering in could based technologies and services – including the ones delivered with AWS.


For more information about DIHUB check the project website and social networks or contact the local team of DIHUB:

  • Harri Ahola: senior lecture at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science. He is Haaga-Helia’s AWS Academy point of contact and the lead Instructor on most of the courses.
  • Lili Aunimo: principal lecturer at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. She is the project manager of the DIHUB project at Haaga-Helia and the lead instructor in the AI-related cloud services courses.

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