This summer the DIHUB students successfully worked on text analytics and machine learning. They used cloud environments and cooperated only virtually.

An international group of DIHUB’s students has worked on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) project during the summer of 2021 and now DIHUB is offering the possibility to study cloud and other AI-related topics. An international group from Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and ISEP (Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto) started a project work course in May 2021 where the key topics are text analytics and machine learning. The cloud services used in the student project are primarily the Google Colab environment and the Github code repository. For communications and virtual meetings, standard Zoom and Teams environments are in place.

Google Colab is a cloud environment that allows running program code in a shared environment and it even offers the possibility to use a GPU (graphics processing unit). To be able to use the environment, the student has to only have a personal Google account. This environment has been proven to be very useful in teaching because the teacher can share Colab notebooks with his/her students and the students can easily execute them. During the classes, the students typically do hands-on exercises where they are asked to make small own modifications to the program code. In teamwork, the Google Colab environment is very handy when all students wish to work on the same code file and to be able to execute it in the same environment.

The AI project course has reached many of its goals during the summer term when the students have worked in the shared cloud environments together on the same project. The students have conducted all of their cooperation in a virtual setting with no physical meetings. The results of the project are already impressive, and we are looking forward to the outcomes in September!


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