Last week, on the 21st and 22nd of November, the DIHUB consortium met in Aveiro, Portugal, to discuss the project progress, main challenges and next steps.

At this key stage of the project after two years of cooperation, partners shared their views on the DIHUB strategy and the national ecosystems that contribute to the international hub, as well as on the pilots ongoing in the 5 participating countries, involving students, training/education providers and SMEs. The challenge now is to define the best way to reflect and incorporate the project results in the online platform that is being developed. This platform will be the “one-stop-shop” of DIHUB with an array of resources and services for all relevant stakeholders of the Digital Innovation Hub for Cloud Based Services.

At the consortium meeting, partners also discussed the results of the DACUM analysis, where 4 relevant job profiles were identified across the cloud landscape: Cloud manger/administrator, Cloud migration expert, Cloud strategist and monetization expert, Cloud service/content creator.

The meeting was also the occasion for partners to visit some of the main stakeholders of the Portuguese Digital Innovation ecosystem with the guidance of the Portuguese partner TICE.PT.

Now DIHUB partners are already focusing on the next main event of the project, the Future Megatrends and Innovations seminar, that will take place on the 28th January in Finland. Stay tunned to receive more info on this exciting event and on the developments of the DIHUB project!


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