The Excellence Seminar and Celebration, organized together with SIEC Finland, shed the light on future innovations and the importance of development in both companies and training organizations. Learning together and dialog will lead to systematic development. Without good partners and customers, it is impossible to succeed.

New innovations and inventions take place at the interfaces of companies and educational institutions, in the encounter of the new and the old, the modern and the historical. Diversity creates opportunities to understand things differently.

Centers of Vocational Excellence are built together. Co-operation has power – Dialogue, common thinking and learning together enable future innovations.

Europe needs new innovations. Therefore, a cross-sectoral cooperation between companies, training providers and other actors is needed. The role of vocational education and training as a driving force for business development. That is why it is given more power for creation of Centers of Vocational Excellence (CoVEs) in vocational education and training throughout Europe.

Excellence seminar created new ideas and innovations for the development of education, entrepreneurship and the employment of students.


We organized Excellence-seminar in Haikko at 18th of March, were we heard many excellent examples how to innovate, develop and how to boosts business. We launched also two of our own creations, the HUB: Digital Innovation Platform for people in tech or business and DIHUB infographic for telling the story of our project in short. People were happy, the atmosphere were inspiring and we all had a bunch of new ideas for new projects to continue the co-operation.

Check the Hub: and ask us for more information!

#DIHUBproject #Seminar #Cloud #Hub


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