Estonian students describe their learning experience in developing business cases with SME-s as a “perfect way of understanding if they have actually gathered the skills needed to fill the expectations the labour market has towards junior IT specialists”.

Designing the business canvas with the Company is something Tartu´s  boys and girls discovered to be the most compelling – as it provided them with a chance to step into the shoes of a service provider or a product owner. Even though all 5 business cases were different in their nature, they all included some common details – such as listening and understanding the customer needs; exploitation of a cloud technology platform and development of a service or a product and perhaps the most important detail –  working together as a team and delivering a real-life solution to actual end-users.

Students were supervised and cotched by IT professionals from VOCO, BCS Koolitus and a number of local SMEs. All 15 students involved in the #DIHUB 2nd Piloting round will be awarded with the EQF level 4 professional qualification certificate.

Watch videos:

“Tartu Nature House”: here

“DIHUB Project”: here

“TTHKK video”: here

“HA_Register”: here 


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