The Digital Innovation for Cloud-Based Services) (DIHUB) will organize a webinar for students in Information Technologies (IT). DIHUB students will give presentations on cloud technologies related topics such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and cloud service powered AI. Students are warmly welcome!

Date: Friday, 3 December 2021, 11h00-13h00 (CET)

Place: Microsoft Teams – Click here to join the meeting

Program (CET time):

11h00 : Welcome and the opening words, Dr. Lili Aunimo, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, Finland

11h10: Hands-on Microsoft Azure, presented by Tarvi Arbma, Marcus Käis and Oliver Jaas, Tartu Vocational Education Centre and supervised by lecturer Timo Puistaja.

11h30: Analysis of the current situation, typical characteristics and development trends of AI education apps based on AI cloud technologies presented by Bohan Liu, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Science (Finland) and supervised by senior lecturer Darren Trofimzcuk.

11h40: Experiences from the DIHUB courses on AWS and how they are useful for getting a cloud-technologies related job, presented by Ming Xiong, Sami Tecke and Lauri Nurmela, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences (Finland) and supervised by senior lecturers Olavi Korhonen and Harri Ahola.

12h00: License plate as a digital wallet – cloud service powered by deep learning and computer vision, presented by Dario Radecic from Algebra University College (Croatia) and supervised by Dr.Hrvoje Jerkovic.

12h30: Q&A and discussion

13h00: End of the event

Registration: Those interested in participating should register here!


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