Fifteen adult learners, who started their DIHUB studies in September 2021 have reached the final stage with the business cases they develop for local SMEs. Five teams have been engaged in putting together a business case, that would help a specific small-size enterprise or a public institution in deploying cloud services for their activities. 

Students are coached by supervisors from VOCO (ex Tartu Vocational Center), BCS Koolitus and specialists from involved companies.

  • What Estonian DIHUB students are developing?
    Automated application and document management system using Microsoft 365 SharePoint including tools such as PowerAutomate, PowerApps for Tartu Health Care College.

The project’s main focus was to simplify and centralize dormitories rental, billing and management documentation systems.

  • Migration of Tartu Health Care College´s intraweb to Microsoft 365 SharePoint site with all add-ons. The project focus was to make internal information better accessible for employees and students. Another aspect was to minimize the risk of cyber threats and data loss since old intraweb was running on outdated hard- and software.
  • Microsoft 365 as a document library and central cooperation platform for Varajase Kaasamise Keskus (rehabilitation services for children). Project teams migrated e-mails, calendars, documents, contacts to Microsoft 365 from different not integrated platforms. The project included end-user training.
  • Development of Cloud Computing solutions at Register OÜ (nationwide popular web platform). The project aimed to update existing Cloud Computing solutions to newer hardware and software. The project team also aimed for better stability, usability and high availability.
  • Getting started with Google Workspace at Tartu Nature House. The project team did a setup of Google Workspace Apps such as Drive and Docs, Gmail, Maps, Youtube etc. They also migrated data from on-premises services to the Google platform.

The project included end-user training.

The student projects will be presented in mid-April.

#Estonia #DIHUBStudies #BusinessProjects


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