Artificial IntelligenceCloud-based servicesCroatiaDigital InnovationDIHUBEducation & TrainingKrivovizijaWineata November 15, 2022 DIHUB project presents students’ projects Wineata and Krivovizija DIHUB project presents students’ projects Wineata and Krivovizija – students at Algebra University College use… admin 1,491 Love2
Cloud-based servicesCroatiaDIHUB eventsEducation & Training February 28, 2022 Silver Care- Students are developing a solution for elders and their caregivers as part of DIHUB Project No matter of their vitality, elders often need help with everyday tasks and health care.… admin 674 Love2
Cloud-based servicesCroatiaEducation & Training June 14, 2021 DIHUB testing Altogame for creating brand new ideas and empathy ALTOGAME is a virtual and 3D multi-user environment for creating innovation, collaboration, and learning simulations.… admin 556 Love1
Cloud-based servicesCroatiaEducation & Training April 6, 2021 Amazon Web Services educational training in Croatia Many types of research show shat education in the field of cloud technologies is becoming… admin 562 Love1
Artificial IntelligenceCloud-based servicesCroatia January 28, 2021 57 percent of Croatian companies do not feel ready to use digital technologies in order to respond to the crisis Even today, nine months after the beginning of the pandemic crisis, 57 percent of Croatian… admin 493 Love1
Artificial IntelligenceCloud-based servicesCompaniesCroatia September 30, 2020 Unintended Consequences How COVID-19 helped raising awareness on the importance of cloud-based services and digital transformation in… admin 562 Love1