In the summer of 2019, the European Commission funded five pilot projects focusing on different themes. One of them is the DIHUB project coordinated by Helsinki Business College, the theme of which is the development of cloud services utilizing artificial intelligence. Other Finnish project partners are Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce. The partner countries are Estonia, Portugal, Bulgaria and Croatia.

  • The theme of the DIHUB project was cloud services and artificial intelligence, because there is a shortage of experts in Europe in that field, says Jouni Hytönen, Development Manager at Helsinki Business College.

DIHUB project has been searching answers and testing methods and ways to work on this need. The results has been promising. Juha Rajala, teacher at Helsinki Business College continues, “It can be all sorts of co-operation: making projects together, create more work-based learning, internship, and hiring students. Anyhow, more work-oriented, agile and efficient development and joint projects are needed.”

#DIHUB #Finland #CloudBasedServices #Cloud-Tech #Artificialintelligence



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